Visitor Attractions
Plane Crash Memorial - CLOSED
On May 31, 1948, a group of citizens gathered at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery’s Civil War Veteran’s enclosure to honor those who had given to our great nation through their military service. During the ceremony, a WWII trainer plane flown by James A. Tuley and passenger Chester H. Frahm was flying over Evergreen Memorial Cemetery and Park Hill Cemetery to drop poppies over the grounds. On the second pass over Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, the plane crashed into this tree killing Frahm and severely injuring Tuley.
It took years for cemetery personnel to determine that this was the tree that they crashed into.
In 2015 this tree had to come down and cemetery employees felt something more needed to be done with the wood from the tree. Research was done and chainsaw artist Tim Gill was contacted and he accepted the challenge.
A ribbon cutting dedication was held Nov. 07, 2015, and members of the Tuley and Frahm families were present and cut the ribbon.
The carving fell due to bug infestion throughout the enitre carving.